I love Jewelry from Brighton. There is a store in the area and I was taking a break from some new projects I'm working on for you in the Spring (shhhh! I'm just telling you...more details will follow). As I was walking around I decided to look in the Brigton store. I found this beautiful bracelet (I love jewelry with meaning). I walked out of the store and I was not 3 ft down the way when I felt this strong feeling to return. I got the idea to buy myself the bracelet. I had them wrap it in a beautiful box and I wrote myself a card. Its beautiful and its on my meditation altar.
The gift is my gift to me when I launch my very first ecourse. I am launching an ecourse of one if my most popular courses over the last few years. This is me moving in a whole new space and making my coaching and my workshops available to more of you...when you want it. You may be in the Midwest, Australia or London...you will be able to take one of my courses online.
I'm excited and a little scared...but that's what it feels like when you are stretching into new areas. So to acknowledge me...first. I purchased something special for me.
My Question For You?
What will you acknowledge yourself for? What will you do to celebrate a victory you are creating for yourself?