Clothing options for my next photo shoot
Every once and a while life presents you with an opportunity... to do things the way everyone else has done it or do it your way. You get the chance to go with the flow or chart a new course. You get the opportunity to be a pioneer and do it in a way that leaves you feeling proud and satisfied with yourself.
I have been working with the group A Work Of Heart in my SoulCollage® workshop on the concept of extreme self care. The kind of care that puts us first in our lives. The kind of care that puts what matters to us on our calendar along with soccer games, movie nights, bills, etc. The kind of care that makes us happy and replenishes us.
For the past 3 weeks I have been leading a group in a SoulCollage® workshop around extreme self care and the gift of pleasure. We have been collaging, sharing and supporting each other in our own commitment to self care. We are seeing our own strength, the gift that we are to others and who we are becoming. Self care is a radical act but it is extremely rewarding.
Out of leading the class I took on having professional photos taken of me for my promotional materials, Twitter and SoulCollage® teachers directories. I have taken photos myself with the camera timer. They came out Ok but not great. This time I wanted to do things great and do it in MY unique way. I wanted to have a professional photo shoot done. I wanted to have a photo of me that I loved. I wanted something that really expressed who I am. I wanted to give myself all the attention I deserved. So I decided to assemble a great team. I called my friend Michelle who is an amazing Creative Director and she called in a friend of hers John who is an amazing photographer. This weekend we met in San Francisco for cocktails and a light dinner to discuss the shoot. We talked about location, clothing choices, colors, make-up, hair, shoes. We even went through magazines to setup the poses. I felt like a princess. I felt totally taken care of. I am so excited to do this shoot and see the results. I love everything about this process. Working with people I love and admire and getting something I have always wanted...but have been scared to make it happen. I am so excited and energized!. I brought all of that juice on to lead the SoulCollage® class. By the way...that class rocked!
What have you always wanted and how could you make it happen in your own unique way?