Years ago I started this practice of creating an intention for each month. It usually came out of experiences that were repeating over and over in a prior month. Creating a intention allowed me to acknowledge where I was focusing and anchor in the wisdom that came from the intention. Giving each month a focus, helped me to make each month an adventure. It has been so much fun to create these regular intentions, put them down on paper and look back at them over time...some amazing things have come out of that simple practice.
I remember I few years ago I was focusing on Miracles and I wrote down that I wanted to go to Paris. I knew that going to Paris would be a Miracle since I didn't have the financial means or the time to go. A week later I was talking to a friend who invited me to come with her to visit her parents and Yes they lived in Paris. So I said yes...knowing this was the first miracle and more would come. I got a project from a client that required a quick turn around and suddenly I had a bit of unexpected cash for the trip...miracle again. I needed a ticket and when I looked online for a flight it was double the amount I had to spend. So I felt like maybe this would not happen. Then the phone rang, I was a friend and I shared with him that I was trying to get a ticket to Paris but the tickets where out of my price range. To my surprise he offered to sell me a ticket he had that he was not using...for the amount I had to spend. So it all worked out. I went to Paris for a week and a half, stayed in a beautiful apartment with good friends, did art at the Lourve, went dancing at the Buddah lounge and had a wonderful time.
Miracles do happen ...but first there was an intention.
So this month, I have started to see how much I love to get up in the morning and just relax, sit and watch the birds on my patio or read something before I start doing things in the day. So this month is about extreme self-care. Being an expert at knowing what I need so my own tank in full before I try to assist and support other people...and making that a daily practice...so I can always contribute to others and still get my needs met. What I am learning so far it that when I take care of me I have sooo much more energy and space to deal with anything that comes my way.
So far here is what I am doing as self care and really enjoying the experience...
- Getting up in the morning and eating breakfast and just listening to music...no news!
- Laying out my clothes the night before...keeps me from over thinking in the morning...love that.
- Leaving music on so when I come home it feels warm and welcoming...like coming into a fancy hotel.
- Making lists of things I need to do on pretty paper.
Let me know if you feel inspired to share what special things will you do to practice extreme- self care in your life? I'd love to hear your ideas!