Juicy Soul Retreat
Sunday, September 13, 2009
10:30am - 5:00pm
A Work of Heart
2196 Lincoln Ave.
San Jose, CA 95125
Learn more and Register Online at
Join us in the studio to recharge your creative juices and rejuvenate your Spirit. This is a wonderful opportunity to take your mind off the stress at work, the demands at home and other things that zapp you of your radiant sparkle. This is an invitation to take some time for YOU to do something wildly creative and soul enriching. Tea and cookies will be served. Bring a bag lunch or enjoy something yummy from one of the cafes near by.
Here's what we are planning for you:
With Julie Valentine
10:30am - 12:30pm
You will create SoulCollage® cards and discover the
amazing power in using collage to journal, meditate and make decisions. Following the simple
SoulCollage® process, you will collage images in a surprising new way and discover how images bypass the mind and go straight to the depths of your soul. You will have time at the end of class to journal each of your cards personal meaning to you.
$35/per person
Juicy Journals
with Andrea Chebeleu
1:00pm - 5:00pm
Big tables, tons of art supplies...What could be more fun! You will learn some amazing techniques to turn flat blank journals in to juicy journals for your words, poetry, collage, photos, lists, mantras, ideas, songs, prayers, intentions, stories, notes, and dreams. When all the techniques are covered we will turn on the music and let you run wild with your journals. Bring a journal of your choosing. (If you need a journal let us know and we will provide one or you for a fee $14)
$45/per person
Register for an individual class or register for both classes for $75 and stay for the day.
~ Julie