I have been using my SoulCollage® cards to help me get clear about some new projects I'm planning for the fall. I had been spinning my wheels and suddenly I realized I could sort this out with my cards. I have over 200 cards that I have created over the years. I flipped through my entire deck and pulled all the cards that got my attention or expressed how felt about my fall projects. When I had gone through the entire deck, I put similar together. Then I started to write about each pile of cards until I could see a story or patterns forming. I was amazed at the insight I got from that group of cards.
When I was done I felt like I had drilled down to the core ideas and from there I was able to clarify what I wanted to do next. I'm going to let it percolate a few days and see what additional wisdom comes.
Hope you'll try to use your cards for story telling and clarity. If you don't have any cards..this might be a great time to create some. If you already have cards maybe its time to add more. If you'd like to join me for a class check out my workshop schedule.