Monday, December 27, 2010
Congrats Khris!
2011 is shaping up to be an awesome year. Today I was doing a little after Christmas shopping and I spotted the DIY bride magazine on the news stands. I jumped for joy when I saw it and immediatly texted Andrea of A Work of Heart Studio. We did a happy dance for Khris.
Khris Cocheran is the author DIY bride and a teacher at A Work of Heart.
Khris has attended a few of my workshops and she is such a joy. I am excited to see her success with this "bookzine". I purchased a copy for myself, its a great source for not only DIY wedding ideas but DIY event planning ideas.
To get a copy of your own visit
Congrats Khris!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Creativity under the Christmas Tree.
I have been all about using all my creative supplies for holiday gift wrapping this year. I made all the tags from stamps and die-cut tools I have collected from Micheal's over the years. I'm using my glue gun, my glitter, paint brushes, markers... It's finally time to use all this stuff I have been "saving" and put it to good use. I have been having so much fun decorating each gift. These are for my parents.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Planning Fun Classes for 2011
Planning for 2011
Andrea of A Work of Heart and I spent the weekend at a beautiful hill top resort planning the 2011 creative expression class schedule. It was great! We spread out our supplies at the hotel restaurant, sipped coffee and shared a slice of creamy cheesecake. The theme for 2011 is "Art is Everywhere!". We are so Jazzed to offer classes that will inspire everyone to see and experience creativity throughout every day. Our classes will not only provide art techniques, provide project instruction but also provide practical creative inspiration.
We've planned the first few months of the 2011 class schedule. I will be offering 2 Vision Board classes this time with more information and opportunities to keep the learnings alive after class and throughout the year. Andrea and I will be Co-leading our 2011 Juicy Soul Retreats. We will be bringing more of our creative juice to the class and you will get to not only learn about the techniques but experience each others creative juice!
I also have new idea that's been bubbling around in my head for years but this year I'm going to make it happen. With out giving too much away ... Its for those of you who are not in the area and would like to take a virtual class. Stay tuned. I'm tentatively looking to make it available mid year 2011.
We will be updating our sites and sending updated information by the end of the month.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Inspiration and Micro Movements
This is the time of year where Andrea and I start dreaming up classes and formats for 2011. We are planning a great weekend soon to the mountains to plan. I have been writing out lists and coming up with ideas to spark our creative process and get the planning going. I like this part...the dreaming up part and the planning how to make the dream real.
When I do my yearly planning, I start by searching for inspiration. I find the most inspiration from my art magazines. I love all the magazines from Somerset Studios. I particularly like Artful Blogging, Somerset Life, Where Women Create and Somerset Studio. I have a big stack of them that I collect through out the year. When the time is right , I find a quiet place and a cup of coffee and read. I make notes in my journal. I mark pages I want to go back to with sticky notes.
When my ideas are ripe and ready for discussion, I call friends who inspire me. We talk about our dreams and ideas. We help each other flush out our thoughts. We make promises to each other to take a tiny step...a "micro movement" in the direction of our goal. Over time those "micro movements" add up and I'll have a new/revised class or a group of great photographs.
We created the Juicy Soul Retreat in that way and over the last 2 years it was grown and evolved with mirco movements.
What could you create it you allowed yourself to make "micro-movements" in the direction of your dreams? What is a "micro-movemement" you could take today?
Friday, November 26, 2010
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend!
I hope you all are enjoying family and friends this holiday weekend. I have been making it a practice to bring my creativity to my holiday celebrations. I had a great time decorating my holiday table for our guests and making yummy desserts. I made an apple pie and a pumpkin pie...I haven't made an Apple Pie since grade school! It was fun to create in the kitchen.
How did you celebrate your holiday?
I hope you all are enjoying family and friends this holiday weekend. I have been making it a practice to bring my creativity to my holiday celebrations. I had a great time decorating my holiday table for our guests and making yummy desserts. I made an apple pie and a pumpkin pie...I haven't made an Apple Pie since grade school! It was fun to create in the kitchen.
How did you celebrate your holiday?
Monday, November 22, 2010
Weekly Challenge: Picture your Holiday
Capture your holiday in images
This Week:
A few months ago I started a 365 project. I took a photo everyday (give or take a day) and listed them on flickr. Over the past few months I have captured images with my cell phone camera and my regular camera. The result so far have been really eye opening. I can see patterns in my choices of images. I see threads of similarities in my color choices. I am enjoying the process. So this holiday I will have images from the holiday to tell that story too.
So I invite you to join me in the process of capturing images of your holiday in your own creative way. If you take on this challenge this week you will have a new creative experience that may bring new life to how you celebrate the season.
If you would like to follow my journey visit The Red Dragonfly 365 Project
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Weekly Challenge: Bring your creativity to life for the Holidays

Bring your creativity to life for the Holidays
This Week:
The holidays are just around the corner. In recent years I have gotten excited about decorating for the Holidays. This year I want to make sure I bring my own creative expression to my holiday decorations. We will be entertaining alot this holiday and I want to create a memorable event for my friends and family. I have been thinking of practical ways to decorate and I was inspired on my walk today to incorporate nature into my holiday decorations. I collected pine cones and took photos of berries to decorate my home. The ideas are still forming but I have a direction that is inspiring me to search for more. Its going to be a DIY holiday this year and I'm excited to bring my creativity to life in my home.
So this week, Think about how you might bring your own creative expression to your holiday. Maybe you will make your holiday cards or stamp rolls of paper to wrap gifts or maybe you will make a garland from photo copies of your journal pages. The ideas are endless.
For ideas check out ETSY Homemade Holiday Ideas
Here are a few cute Ideas
Sparkle Candles
Seasons Greetings Banner
Paper Wreaths
Party Crackers
Books with Ideas::
Monday, November 8, 2010
Weekly Challenge: Change your music and change your experience of life...

Change your music and change your experience of life...
Today I was turned on to a new song from Alain Clark. His music is only available in europe so I had to listen to the video over and over. I love this song. It makes me happy. The video reminds me of the time I spent in Europe with friends years ago. I love all the people making hearts with their hands. The tune is so happy it makes me want to dance.
Years ago I started creating theme music for work and trips. I think its a result of an overactive imagination and too much television but I love the idea of creating theme music for events in my life. I listen to uplifting music on the way to work. I listen to calming music on the way to get my spa treatments. I guess I try to make the most of things by extending the experience with music.
When is the last time you changed the music in your car, home or in your ipod. It might be time to create a new playlist for your iPod or switch out the old CD's in your car. Maybe its time to hang out at a music store listening to some new tunes. Music can put a fresh perspective on your life and shift your experience so new miracles come into view.
This week change the music you listen to and see what new experiences come into your life this week.
Share your experiences on our Facebook Page
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Weekly Challenge: Planning for a Peaceful Holiday

The Holidays are just around the corner. Take some time to plan your holidays. Not just what you will be doing with others but what you will be doing for yourself. I love New Year's and every year we plan what to do after everything else and find ourselves calling B&Bs and hotels for hours trying to find the perfect spot. This week we started planning New Year's. Those reservations will be made this week and that will be one stresser off the list. Look this week to see what you can do to set up a wonderful holiday season. Maybe its planning to have a cleaning crew come to clean the house, planning your holiday menue, shopping for holiday attire. What ever will bring you peace during the holidays is worth your time now.
Share your discoveries on our facebook page. We could all use some great ideas.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
My Handmade Harvest Creations
The Handmade Harvest Gift Boutique is just around the corner and I have been enjoying the process of creating items to offer for sale. A year ago the teachers of A Work of Heart had the idea to have an event to challenge our own creative vision and inspire us. Ultimately it would inspire the creation of new classes or a new approach to classes we already teach. We created the boutique to challenge ourselves and give us a chance to celebrate with the community.
I have been inspired to create for the boutique for some time, but I had no idea what I would create until Labor Day weekend. Over the Labor Day holiday I went back east to visit family. During one of my layovers I went into a little gift shop to browse. I was inspired by an image in a magazine of a bag made from newspaper. That gave me a great idea...What if I created bags from my journal pages? I was so excited by the idea I dreamed up a plan on the plane ride home.
I few days later I was in my home studio with big sheets of paper, paints, stamps, inks, markers, tape, and images. I had a blast listening to my favorite tunes and making big sheets of collage pages for my bags.
So far I have 2 completed bags and I'm working on 3 more for the boutique. I'm in the "zone" and I love it. I'm not sure what I'm charging for these beauties but they are soo cute I want them to all find a good home with someone who will love them and use them.
~ Julie
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Meet and Greet: Handmade Harvest Gift Boutique - September 25 - 26
Saturday, September 25 - Sunday, September 26th
Join me and all the art teachers at A Work of Heart for a Handmade Harvest gift boutique. We have all been so inspired by the classes we offer and our students that once a year we offer our creations for purchase at A Work of Heart studio. This is a great time to stop by and meet everyone, visit the studio, learn about our classes and buy a few items before the holiday rush.
I'll be creating some items to support you in your creative journaling process. I'm still dreaming up ideas but the process has been really fun.
I'll be creating some items to support you in your creative journaling process. I'm still dreaming up ideas but the process has been really fun.
For more information visit
Friday, September 10, 2010
Project 365
To spark my fall creative spirit I started a project called "Project 365". The goal is to take a photo a day and see what images show up over time. I've been working on it a few months secretly so just in case I wanted to quit nobody would know. I was chicken :) But I've been at it long enough and have learned so much in the process I can declare myself in the project now. I carry my camera every where I go already so its been easy to get photos on a regular basis. The trick for me has been posting them and organizing them. I also notice I've been struggling to take photos that are both beautiful and tell a story. I'm still working at it. Thats the beauty of a project. It pushes you to learn and grow in new areas.
So I'm learning how I view the world through my photography. Now that I have listed them on flickr I can start to see patterns and themes. Its kind of nice to see what shows up after everything is organized.
If you want to start your own 365 Project here are the details.
If you want to follow my progress (maybe we can inspire each other), here is my link on flickr:
The Red Dragonfly Project 365 on Flickr
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Weekly Challenge: Celebrate!
This week's challenge is to Celebrate!
This weekend is my birthday. I love to celebrate my birthday. I have always enjoyed a good party. From the moment my sweet great aunt "Auntie" gave me my first taste of champagne on my 16th birthday, My dad serenaded me on his harmonica and my great uncle Buster gave me my first string of pearls...I have loved the celebration associated with my birthday. There is something magical about marking a new year and celebrating with friends and family. In recent years retailers have gotten in the spirit, so a month before my birthday I get cards and coupons from my favorite stores. It's turning into a national holiday for MEEEEE!
In recent years I have made my birthday a weekend event. I enjoy every minute with as many friends as possible. I accept invitations to celebrate and let my birthday unfold. Its always fun that way.
This week I invite you to celebrate with me. You guys have no idea how much I enjoy hearing how you are including creative play in your lives and how that is impacting your lives. It keeps me going and inspires me in so many ways. So thank you for sharing your journey and joining me from time to time in our creative journaling workshops. Thanks most of all for keeping me up to date on what is happening in your lives and how creativity is shaping your experience.
Lets celebrate this week together...share your photos, stories and other goodies in the comments below or on our Facebook page. Celebrate and share the JOY!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Flea Market Finds
I've taught all the classes I will teach for the year and its time for me to dream up next years group of classes and revamp some of the one's I taught this year adding a bit more flare and expanding the size of my classes. To get inspiration I love taking little trips to search for items that I can use in my journals. Its amazing what you can find at a flea market.
Last weekend I went with a group of ladies from A Work of Heart to a local flea market. I found some great items...vintage stamps, music paper, canvas bags, letters and really old books. It was so much fun to get up early in the morning and search through so many wonderful things.
At the flea market, we ran in to serveral people who have attended our the past. Its so wonderful to meet and re-meet people out and about who have changed aspects of their lives just by connecting more with their creativity. I love seeing the transformational power of creative expression.
So in the next few months you should start to see some of the items in my journals in next years classes and on the site. I'll spend some time playing and allowing the creative process to guide me.
If you are working on something fun please share in your comments or drop me an email. I love hearing what you all are creating.
Monday, July 26, 2010
I Write Like...
I love to write and my writing style has developed over the years. Years ago I would agonize over my writing style. Afraid it wasn't proper or creative or descriptive enough. I wanted it to be flowering and magical. But I soon learned that's not my style. At some point I accepted that my writing style is my own and its perfect the way it is. I write like I talk and some people like it and others don't. That's OK. When I write from my heart its the most freeing thing for me to experience. So one day I stopped trying to get it right and decided to just share. I started to share from my heart in my matter how it came out. There was a freedom. I accepted that my writing is more like a written conversation with my reader and not a proper written document. I have found peace with it all...even my hand writing. (I write like I talk too. :) )
Today I came across a site that allows you to cut and paste your writing in a box and they quickly analyze your writing. The result is that they tell you when your writing style is similar to a famous authors writing style. Its pretty cool. I'm not sure how accurate it is...but its fun to know that my writing in all of my perceived reservations about it is similar to several famous writers. I feel like I am in good company and it inspires me to write even more.
To learn more visit
I Write Like
Monday, July 19, 2010
People's Choice Willow Glen Awards: A Work of Heart
The San Jose Mercury News is running their 2010
People's Choice Willow Glen Awards.
If you love A Work of Heart Studio (where I teach classes) then please vote for the studio as your favorite Willow Glen business under the following
#45 Place to discover your inner child
#73 Place for kids to get creative.
This will help us get the word out there about the studio and allow us to offer more amazing workshops for you.
The deadline for voting is July 23rd 2010.
Vote by clicking this link:
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Vision Boards - Sunday, July 18 2010
I'm getting ready to lead the Vision Boards Workshops on Sunday. I always try to finish my own Vision Board before I lead a workshop. It makes leading a lot more fun because I have some excitement around what I'm creating in my life and that seems to get the fires going in everyone. So if you are joining us on Sunday I'll show you where I am.
You might be asking yourself..."Your leading and you don't have a completed Vision Board?" The answer is ... I don't always have an active vision board going at all times. There are times when things are moving in all the magical ways I like and I am crystal clear from a previous board or journalling what I am focused on and excited about. Then there are times when I'm ready for a little boost and a fresh look from a new point of view.
I always start the process by pulling images. Lots and lots of images. I've been pulling pages from magazines on and off for the last month and setting them in a big pile in my studio. I almost have enough to begin to layout the images on my board.
You might be asking yourself..."Your leading and you don't have a completed Vision Board?" The answer is ... I don't always have an active vision board going at all times. There are times when things are moving in all the magical ways I like and I am crystal clear from a previous board or journalling what I am focused on and excited about. Then there are times when I'm ready for a little boost and a fresh look from a new point of view.
I always start the process by pulling images. Lots and lots of images. I've been pulling pages from magazines on and off for the last month and setting them in a big pile in my studio. I almost have enough to begin to layout the images on my board.
In the vision board class i teach this weekend, I will have tons of images that you can dig through until you have what you need for your boards. You can also pull images from your magazines at home and bring them with you to class. Some of you may find everything you need and be ready to assemble the board. Some of you will use the full time to collect images and may decide to assemble at home. What ever your process, it all works. I give you all the tools to create your vision board and complete it (in class or at home). I also give you some suggestions for things to do to keep your vision alive in the days and weeks after you complete your board. At the end of class, you'll have everything you need to create a vision board and much more.
If you're have not registered for the class and you'd like to join us, you can register on the following page...
See you there!
Monday, June 21, 2010
New Workshop On the Calendar!
Vision Board Workshop
Sunday, July 18, 2010
10:30 - 1:00pm
A Work of Heart, San Jose, CA 95125
Create a visual vision for your future. Explore the power and magic of vision boards and idea journaling to support you in creating your best year!
> More..
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Where I create!
I am always on a quest to create the perfect home studio space. In the last few months I have organized and tossed out old brushes, dry paint, and put like things together. It's beautiful...I can finally find what I'm looking for when I need it. The process has made it super easy to create at home when the creative muse strikes.
I have to tell you about my metal room divider... I had a metal room divider that separates my studio from the rest of my living space. One day it started making me feel cramped and closed I moved it in front of the big wooden table where I journal and create. Ahhhh! The room opened up and the creativity began to flow.
The metal made it easy to display my art and I found strong magnetic hooks to hang a few of my paintings and other inspirational objects. The other day I found some magnetic plastic shelves at the dollar store. I spray painted them a metallic color to match the room divider and presto...I now have a perfect place to store my stamps. I am so proud I had to share.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Creative challenge this week:
Challenge this week:
Keep a little journal with you or your digital camera and write or take photos of things that you see that are the color RED. You can share your findings on the facebook page by adding your photos or photos of your journal pages. Lets see what amazing things we find.
Are you in?
The Red Dragonfly Facebook Page
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