Idea Catchers
Time: 11:00 am - 1:30pm
Cost: $45/person ($55 after 5/13/2011)
Location: A Work of Heart, 2196 Lincoln Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 408.266.1005
About the workshop
In this class you will gain clarity in what it is you want for your life and fuel your internal power to manifest these dreams through creative expression. There are 3 major steps to manifesting your desires, stating what you want, feeling good and taking inspired actions. An Idea Catcher is a book that holds your goals and the list of inspired actions to take over a set period of time. In this workshop I will guide you through a series of steps to create your own 30 day idea catcher.
I will also give you the opportunity to practice captureing any inspired ideas that might lead you to your goal. I call this process "Idea catching" and I will share with you the process of capturing your inspired actions in an "Idea Cather" or Idea journal. This journal is unique in that it holds every wild idea, clue, phone number, map, quote that will lead you to your goal. These journals have been extremely powerful in capturing inspired actions that result from focusing on your goals and will lead you to solutions and surprising results.
What to bring?
A list of things you want to manifest in the next yearTake some time before this workshop to list things that you would like to manifest in the next 12 months. It doesn't have to be perfectly worded but you do need to have a few good ideas of what you want. If you are feeling particularly brave...toss in some desires that you've always wanted but where too scared to ask.
A medium sized notebook
Idea catchers are active journals. You'll get the most out of them if you can carry them around with you throughout the day. Make sure to choose a notebook and size that is easily portable and has at least 100 pages. If you don't have a notebook, there will be several there for you to purchase at the studio on the day of the class ($7 - $20).