There where lots of things to complete this week. I had a long "to do" list and some how checking off the boxes did not feeling exciting, then I came across a scripture ..
Don’t worry about anything;
instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need,
and thank him for all he has done.
Philippians 4:6
That just brought me such peace reading that. So this week I give all my concerns to the Divine and I turned my attention to all that I am learning on my journey. I started this week thinking about all the wonderful things that are a blessing to me in my life.

I started with simple pages using washi tape and number stickers
Then I added book pages to each day and I was ready
to add whatever inspired me during the week.
to add whatever inspired me during the week.
Let the week unfold and added bits of memories. Dexter barking to get what he wanted. I did a presentation at work that went pretty well and I'm glad it was completed...then I noticed the line I highlighted in yellow on that day. That book page was put there completely at random.
I got so exited about my scripture that I created a page just for the words. I'm sure I will be referencing this page often. I needed to give it a bigger presence in my journal.
I'm already starting pages for next week.