I'm doing something really big this year. I'm joining the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in San Francisco on July 12-13, 2014 . My friend Soizic Johnson is putting together a team to walk the 39.3 mile walk together. We started our training officially this past weekend and I am excited and scared all rolled up in one.
Do something that matters
It's for a great cause and it's a big commitment. Breast cancer is a big disease, one that still affects far too many people, and I'm determined to do everything I can to help put an end to it. So we will be training for the next few months and raising money to help accelerate research into new treatments and potential cures. The money raised for this event also helps to provide access to care for those in need as well as educational awareness.
My mom's baby sister, Betty Jean, lost her battle with cancer in 1993 and it has been an incredible loss for our family. She had a great big spirit and had a sense of humor to match. I remember how she would straighten my hair with a hot comb on the stove and swap funny stories with her sisters. That's where I got to hear all the grown up gossip and learn about some of the colorful history of our family. She had funny nick names for us kids...my nick name was "puddles". I remember the sound of her singing "hey puddle-uddle" as I came through the door to visit at my gramma's house. I miss her every day.
We were young when my Aunt was diagnosed. We were told very little about what was happening with her health. I guess my Mom was trying to shield us from the fear and trying not to face the reality. So in my world, she was here and then she was gone. I have always felt sorrow about not having the opportunity to say good bye. To give her one last hug. To see her smile. To hear her call me "puddle-uddle".
So this walk is my farewell to my Aunt Bette. It's a chance to remember her and all her funny ways and its an opportunity to support a cause that is designed to bring an end to this devastating illness.
I have a goal to raise over $1,800 to walk in the event!
If you feel inspired...I would love your support. There are lots of ways to help
- You can make a tax-deductible donation on my Avon Walk Website ($5, $30, $50, $100...every bit helps)
- Follow me on instagram to cheer team Eolienne on as we train for the walk
- Spread the word to others to support and donate to the walk
- Let me know if you have done an event like this or you are currently in the Avon walk. (Tips and suggestions for completing the walk are most welcome)