Tuesday, April 26, 2011
TODAY! Day at the Studio
A Day At The Studio
Tuesday, April 26 2011
A Work of Heart Studio
$7 hr
1:30 -5pm
Come join me for a day in the studio to journal and paint. I will be there to fill my juicy journal and create. If you have the day off today and you are looking for something creative to do come by the studio from 12 -5 for a bit of studio time. There's no formal instruction, just and opportunity to be together and create.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
The BIG Juicy Journal
The BIG Juicy Journal
Andrea of A Work of Heart and I gave ourselves a challenge in 2011...to live in a BIG Juicy Journal. These journals are REALLY big. It is 13X11X3 with over 800 pages. It may take us a few years to fill all the pages but I can tell you the process has been amazing. There is something about having so many pages to work on that gives me the freedom to try new things. I color as many pages as I can with color wash, then go back in and add words and images to the pages. Some pages I love and some I will cover with gesso and start over. I have even ripped pages to re-purpose them for other pages. Its been so much fun.
Part of my journey will be to share what I create in the pages of my Big Juicy Journal in my workshops. If you join us for any of our classes you will be able to see the progress in our journals first hand. If you are unable to join us for classes this year, I will be posting images on this blog from time to time. It's my hope that journaling will give me great new ideas to share in my classes and inspire you to live in your journals on a regular basis.
If you have started your own journal feel free to post the URL so we can all see what you are creating.
>> See the journal pages
>> View pages on Flickr
Friday, April 15, 2011
Fat Book: Wings
Andrea at A Work of Heart put a call out for participants in a Fat Book for the theme "Wings". Here are my page contributions to this Fat Book project. I had so much fun creating 4X4 mini art collages. I used a combination of images from my Big Juicy Journal and bits and pieces I collected over the last few years.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Idea Catchers - Sunday, May 15

Idea Catchers
Time: 11:00 am - 1:30pm
Cost: $45/person ($55 after 5/13/2011)
Location: A Work of Heart, 2196 Lincoln Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 408.266.1005
About the workshop
In this class you will gain clarity in what it is you want for your life and fuel your internal power to manifest these dreams through creative expression. There are 3 major steps to manifesting your desires, stating what you want, feeling good and taking inspired actions. An Idea Catcher is a book that holds your goals and the list of inspired actions to take over a set period of time. In this workshop I will guide you through a series of steps to create your own 30 day idea catcher.
I will also give you the opportunity to practice captureing any inspired ideas that might lead you to your goal. I call this process "Idea catching" and I will share with you the process of capturing your inspired actions in an "Idea Cather" or Idea journal. This journal is unique in that it holds every wild idea, clue, phone number, map, quote that will lead you to your goal. These journals have been extremely powerful in capturing inspired actions that result from focusing on your goals and will lead you to solutions and surprising results.
What to bring?
A list of things you want to manifest in the next yearTake some time before this workshop to list things that you would like to manifest in the next 12 months. It doesn't have to be perfectly worded but you do need to have a few good ideas of what you want. If you are feeling particularly brave...toss in some desires that you've always wanted but where too scared to ask.
A medium sized notebook
Idea catchers are active journals. You'll get the most out of them if you can carry them around with you throughout the day. Make sure to choose a notebook and size that is easily portable and has at least 100 pages. If you don't have a notebook, there will be several there for you to purchase at the studio on the day of the class ($7 - $20).
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Adventures of the BIG Juicy Journal
This year Andrea and I started a challenge...to fill an extra big Juicy Journal with images, words, stories, etc. We have both been filling the pages and bringing our learnings to our classes. If you have attended our classes this year you might recognize some of the images. This weekend I had a few fun journaling sessions in my home studio. I wanted to share my latest page. I used an enlarged black and white image from an old Christmas card, stamps, paints and good old fashioned imagination. I might do more with these 2 pages but I'm not sure yet. Here is my show and tell for the week. If you have created new pages I would love to see them...leave me a comment and a URL so we can all see.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
YouTube Journals
This is a video I found on YouTube by SillySoozo. I love looking at how other people journal. This is absolutely beautiful.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Change of scenery...
There is nothing like a change of scenery to awaken my creative muse. This weekend I took off to LA with friends. It was a wonderfully creative experience. We went to a rock concert at the House of Blues, had lunch at Rainbow Room on Sunset and had dinner on the ocean in Malibu. I am all charged up again and ready to create in my Big Juicy Journal!
What are you doing to awaken your own creative muse?
Friday, April 1, 2011
Vision Boards and Idea Catchers - Sunday, July 24
Vision Boards and Idea Catchers
Date: Sunday, July 24, 2011
Time: 11:00 am - 1:30pm
Cost: $65/person ($75 after 7/21/2011)
Location: A Work of Heart, 2196 Lincoln Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 408.266.1005
About the workshop
This workshop will provide a peaceful space to create your vision board for 2011. We will explore the role of vision boards in goal setting and discuss how journaling can support you in the process! I will guide you through a series of steps that I have learned over years of creating vision boards of my own. You will be given time select images and create a vision board of your own.
Registration Coming Soon!
Date: Sunday, July 24, 2011
Time: 11:00 am - 1:30pm
Cost: $65/person ($75 after 7/21/2011)
Location: A Work of Heart, 2196 Lincoln Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125 408.266.1005
About the workshop
This workshop will provide a peaceful space to create your vision board for 2011. We will explore the role of vision boards in goal setting and discuss how journaling can support you in the process! I will guide you through a series of steps that I have learned over years of creating vision boards of my own. You will be given time select images and create a vision board of your own.
I will also give you the opportunity to practice a valuable journaling process to help you capture any inspired ideas that might lead you to your goal. I call this process "Idea catching" and I will share with you the process of capturing your inspired actions in an "Idea Cather" or Idea journal. This journal is unique in that it holds every wild idea, clue, phone number, map, quote that will lead you to your goal. These journals have been extremely powerful in capturing inspired actions that result from focusing on my vision boards and has lead me to solutions and surprising results.
With your Vision Board and Idea Catcher , you will have everything you need to creative fabulous year!
What to Bring?
Images (optional)
You will have time to pull images during the workshop, but for some people it takes time to find the right images. Feel free to collect images from magazines on your own and bring them to the workshop. Look for images that represent what you want to experience in 2011.
An Image of YOU
For the vision board you will need a photograph of you or an image of something that represents you for the collage. I suggest that you make a color copy of any images since we will be using them in the vision board.
Images (optional)
You will have time to pull images during the workshop, but for some people it takes time to find the right images. Feel free to collect images from magazines on your own and bring them to the workshop. Look for images that represent what you want to experience in 2011.
An Image of YOU
For the vision board you will need a photograph of you or an image of something that represents you for the collage. I suggest that you make a color copy of any images since we will be using them in the vision board.
Magazines to Share (optional)
Magazines will be provided for you to rip and tear. If you would like to bring magazines to share, please do!
Magazines will be provided for you to rip and tear. If you would like to bring magazines to share, please do!
Registration Coming Soon!
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