I started this practice, many years ago, of visiting art supply shops in new cities I visited. This week I was in North Carolina on business and visiting my parents. Before I caught my flight back to the Bay Area, I made plans to visit a few art supply places. The coolest place I found was The Scrap Exchange. It's an entire warehouse of odds and ends to be used in art projects. There are bins and racks filled with maps, bottles, stickers, ribbon, fabric, books, and doll parts ( just to name a few). It's an amazing find. I got a big roll of white 4x5 stickers (maybe 1000+ stickers), ribbon, and handfuls of black and white photos for $6.
There is also class room space and workshops happening every week. This was a really cool place and I can't wait to use the things I purchased in my next art project!
~ Julie