Sunday, June 2, 2013

Eliminating Visual Noise

One of the things that allows me to be creative is having a clear space to create. A space that is clear of visual noise or clutter that distracts me. I go through times when the noise is less distracting than others, but I can still create. Other times it is so loud I can't start a single journal project. Having a space that is clear of visual noise is not always about removing things, sometimes its about adding things that are beautiful and have meaning.

One of the best ways for me to spot the visual noise in my house is to take photos of my space. I live, work, sleep and create in the same space and the clutter shows up so gradually its hard to get a clear perspective.  I'm in an organizing and purging mood these days so I wanted to choose some particularly noisy spots to clear and add meaning. So I thought I would expose my process. Which is a bit scary, but It's a good opportunity for me to keep my focus on clearing my space and for me to identify spaces that keep getting cluttered.

Here is my first spot
This one might be deceiving...the visual noise for me is the meaning of those mix matched boxes and the contents of those boxes. I got those boxes for a project, then changed my mind and never used them. So I dropped junk in them and kept moving them round the house trying to find a suitable place for them. They landed here next to my patio door and they are filled with who knows what. Every time I look at them I think ..." I need to clear out those boxes".

I cleared out the boxes and took out things that didn't belong. Now I know there are art supplies and stuff for Dexter and little treasures from our travels.  I also painted the boxes one color. Now its clear but I need that corner to have more meaning. I've decided to create some art for that corner. Maybe something with inspirational words.

 Stay tuned...this one is a work in progress.