Friday, December 5, 2014

Favorite Art Things #5: Gesso

Favorite Art Things


I use gesso alot in my journaling. 
I use it as the first step in preparing my pages... 
I use it to cover up things I don't like...
It use it to create a light surface for writing...

I've used many different types of gesso including clear, black  and  regular white gesso. I prefer the white gesso. The clear gesso is just too gritty for me and the black gesso doesn't seem to be any better than just using carbon black acrylic paint.  

So  my all time favorite white Gesso is this super heavy gesso. 
This is my go to gesso because it is so creamy and thick.
It blocks out just about anything in one coat.

This is really important to me because my pages 
can often become really dark and saturated.
It's great to have something that with help lighten up my pages 
and give me a lighter surface to doodle and write. 

I also like that it drys pretty fast (as long as I don't place it on too thick).