Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Creative Resolution 2011 Participants

Creative Resolution:
"I resolve to be creatively fearless"
Kristy, California, USA

Creative Resolution
"I resolve to value what I do"
Dori, California, USA

Creative Resolution:
"I resolve to create more art"
Rita, California, USA

 Creative Resolution
" I resolve to make craft dates at this shop [a work of heart]" 
Shelly & daughter, California, USA

 Creative Resolution
"My 2011 creative resolution is to make 52 creative projects in 52 weeks - and blog about them with instructions, tips, and techniques at make52.blogspot.com!"
Susannah, California, USA

Creative Resolution
"I resolve to expand my VISION..." "I will do this through sharing with others through social media like facebook/twitter & my blog. Sharing my vision will also help me focus and gain clarity."
Andrea, California, USA

:: Andrea's Update

Creative Resolution
"My creative resolution... Keep creating from my heart and soul." "I have finally opened my website. Have done 3 1/2 paintings and have had great feedback. Made awesome wallets for christmas and gave them as presents to my friends.  Estamia Rocks"
Estela, California, USA

 Creative Resolution
"Explore new techniques... Deeper into techniques...Business opportunities...The world around me."  Marie, California, USA

:: Marie's Update

Creative Resolution
"My resolution is to finish some (read many) projects and thus free myself to explore new things guilt-free"
Judy, California, USA

Creative Resolution:
"My creative resolution is to make appointments for creative play." I plan to use all the art supplies I have been stock piling and make dates with myself and my friends to be creative. That might also include making more time to be creatively inspired by going to art museums and music concerts. 
Julie, California, USA