What's happened since you made your creative resolution in January 2011?
I have brought in an assistant to help me get more marketing done..which in turn manifests my creative resolution.
How has your creative resolution evolved since you made your declaration?
Originally my creative resolution was one word "Vision" but it has evolved to clarify vision meaning to "See and be seen" I've also started an epic project of creating 1000 pieces of art in an effort to "find my style". This can also be a vehicle to "be seen" by having a body of work to show.
What have you learned about yourself?
I am capable of setting goals and working steadily toward them. I do well with a little bit of focus and still having the freedom of loose boundaries.
What's next for your creative journey?
I will continue with my "epic project" and create art work every day to reach my goal of 1000 pieces and in the process find more places to post pictures, thus continuing to "be seen" I will enter challenges and submit artwork to my favorite publications.
:: More 2011 Creative Resolution Participants